Your podcast guesting confusion and frustration ends NOW!

Hell Yes Guest is the only strategic program taught by a top 1% podcast host that gets you booked on top ranked podcasts with interviews that explode your audience, establish your status as industry leader, and bring you clients for years to come.

"The best in the business for podcast guesting success" - PodPros

Let me guess...
  • You’re sick of playing roulette with the social media algorithms to reach new clients

  • You've been trying to guest on podcasts but your pitches aren't getting answered 

  • You’ve done a few podcast interviews, but none of them have actually led to a boost in business

  • You're starting to think you need a big team, or an agent, or a household name to book quality shows that actually drive your business (pssst... you don't, I promise!)

If you'd love to:

  • Get discovered by more new clients every month than you're reaching all year on Instagram 
  • Stop depending on content that expires every 48 hours
  • Create interview assets that live and grow forever 
  • Cement your legacy as the go-to leader in your niche 
  • Forget about paying an agent with minimal marketing skills $20k every single year
  • Ditch the crappy pitch templates and stop walking away from podcast interviews empty handed

Then you're ready for our top-rated Hell Yes Guest Program!



Pitching whatever shows will have you and then just showing up to answer questions will NOT grow your business!

Hell Yes Guest is the only program that teaches an ROI-centric strategy that doesn't *just* get you booked. You'll build a strategic ecosystem that seamlessly turns cold listeners into super-fans, hot leads, and premium buyers.


Most podcast advice? "Take this crappy pitch template and spam as many podcasts with it as possible."

No wonder everyone thinks podcast guesting is "so hard" or "just a PR play!"

In Hell Yes Guest method, you'll leverage our Profitable Podcast Tour™ method that makes podcast guesting a marketing powerhouse for your business so you can spend LESS time sending pitches and more time turning your listeners into clients!


Here is theProofthat Hell Yes Guest works!

Here is the
Proofthat Hell Yes Guest works!

“I received 12 inquiries during my two-week break without even lifting a finger on social media or work! I was fortunate to secure two powerful podcast guest opportunities, which brought in all of these inquiries. In previous years, I would have spent hours scheduling a dozen random social media posts that would bring me a total of 0 inquiries, but thanks to Kelly's strategy I fully enjoyed my time with my family, knowing that when I was back to my office I would have 12 incredible women to talk to and discuss ways I can help them bring insane value to the world.”

Aline H.


“Before the program, I had pitched a bunch of podcasts and actually had landed a bunch of them. I used to be a publicist! But the difference was, I felt like I was flailing at the end of a podcast interview. I didn’t have a clear directive for people: where to go, what to do. I have a much clearer purpose now when I’m being interviewed, and it feels stronger overall. What my program is can sometimes be hard to explain on paper, and Kelly really helped me dial into what my signature content is, how to describe it, how to get people excited about it, and how to have a lot more clarity so people would understand it when I’m talking about it.”

Megan E.



Set Up For Success

You will:

  1. Discover the secrets of an effective and Profitable Podcast Tour that drives your business growth
  2. Tackle limiting beliefs and stories stopping you from being seen as the authority in your niche
  3. Cultivate a Hell Yes Mindset to make yourself unstoppable as a rising star in your space

By the end of Module 1, you’ll have the rock solid foundation you'll need to launch a successful and profitable podcast tour!


Position Yourself as an Irresistible Thought Leader and Guest

You will:

  1. Discover your Thought Leadership Blueprint that positions you as an expert that podcasts would be crazy not to collaborate with
  2. Create your expertly packaged calling card for visibility opportunities that puts you in a category of one
  3. Forever shift the way you see yourself as an expert and entrepreneur. Get ready to leave your "hidden gem" era behind for good!

By the end of Module 2, you'll be positioned as a leader in your industry, even if you're brand new to your business or have struggled to stand out in a crowded niche!


Build Your Profitable Podcast Tour Roadmap

You will:

  1. Decode your listeners' Pathway to Purchase and strategize your tour for optimal results based on your niche and which stage of business you're in
  2. Craft a podcast-friendly high converting call to action that's designed to take even brand new listeners from cold strangers to hot super-fans and leads ready to buy
  3. Design your signature content package that gets you booked, establishes you as the go-to leader in your niche, and drives conversions (and get 1:1 feedback from me on your whole roadmap!)

By the end of Module 3, you'll have your entire Podcast Tour Roadmap built (and approved by me!)


Build Your Podcast Pitch List

You will:

  1. Seamlessly find and choose podcasts that help you achieve your goals
  2. Efficiently build a podcast pitch list using a variety of effective strategies, including our 800+ podcast database
  3. Quickly gather contact information for your podcasts without spending hours scrolling Spotify

By the end of Module 4, you’ll have a robust list of perfect-fit podcasts and contacts ready for outreach!


Create Your Hell Yes Pitch

You will:

  1. Learn the biggest mistakes 99% of hopeful guests make that land their pitches in the trash folder, and become the 1% of guests that book up to 75% of the shows they reach out to
  2. Pitch from a place of collaboration, generosity, and reciprocity to ensure your pitch is a delight for podcast hosts to open and say "hell yes" to
  3. Optimize each section and word of your pitch for conversion, tailor the pitch to each individual show, and get 1:1 feedback from our in-house copywriter

By the end of Module 5, you’ll be crafting effective pitches that get you booked 50-75% of the time!


Get Booked!

You will:

  1. Start securing podcast interviews on top 10% ranked shows 
  2. Navigate the pitching process with ease and efficiency, taking advantage of my outreach trackers and templates for effective follow up
  3. Start recording interviews on your dream podcasts

By the end of Module 6, you’ll be filling your calendar with high quality podcast interviews!


Nail The Interview

You will:

  1. Confidently deliver interviews that drive brand awareness and lead generation
  2. Master all 3 sections of an interview with insider tips and tricks from a podcast host
  3. Build mutually beneficial relationships with podcast hosts that set you up for recurring visibility and success with future podcast tours

By the end of Module 7, you’ll be delivering killer interviews that convert your audiences from cold strangers into brand super-fans and hot leads!


Build Your Brand + Monetize Your Tour

You will:

  1. Master advanced monetization strategies that take your podcast tour to the next level of profitability
  2. Convert your existing audiences into your offers by properly leveraging your guest interviews
  3. Unlock a flywheel of extra invitations to speak on podcasts, stages, and in front of private communities and masterminds

By the end of Module 8, you’ll be an expert at monetizing your speaking appearances on podcasts!


World Class 


Enrollment in the Hell Yes Guest program includes 8 weeks of personalized strategy support, feedback, interview skill development, and accountability coaching directly from me and my team to make sure your strategy is potent and profitable AF. 

Never wait longer than 24 hours Monday-Friday to have a question answered so you can keep your momentum! Ask unlimited questions in our private support group and get a personalized reply from me within 24 business hours.

Show up for yourself and stay accountable to your goals with fun challenges to keep you on pace throughout the program, even if you're a procrastinator.

Practice your interview skills in a loving and supportive environment. You'll have access to live interview practice sessions that'll bring clarity and confidence to your podcast interviews!

Connect with the best of the best. Join us for live networking parties to build your network of support and referrals, extend your options for collaboration, and make invaluable business connections

Yan H.

"By far, the absolute best business investment I've made to date. Not only is Kelly superb at what she does, but the community she attracts is amazing! I've never felt so supported, connected and challenged to grow as a human being and entrepreneur. Kelly is truly an expert in the area of podcasting. Her program is packed with so much value, I feel like I've enrolled in a Harvard MBA course!"

Francesca B.

"Hell Yes Guest is a game changer. Kelly takes what can feel daunting and overwhelming and breaks it into bite sized chunks so I actually make progress. Her involvement in the group is RIDICULOUS. I feel as though she's working 1:1 with me. That's how much she cares. For all the revolutionaries out there: this is the move. Kelly is ACES. This content is insanely good... a fresh new perspective on pitching that I needed to hear after 12 years in stale corporate business development."

Mary S.

"This program has been wonderful. The ability to focus and get clear on how to show up as a podcast guest that benefits my business is hugely helpful and something I'll use for years to come. The amount of detail and reflection offered in the program is by far the best I have seen and it feels as if Kelly really does want you to win at life. It feels safe to be vulnerable as a smaller business right now, and the accountability support is a game changer."

From ourRockstarStudents


  • You’re a heart-centered coach, course creator, service provider, strategist, or freelancer who’s serious about growing their brand, establishing their thought leadership, and making more money…

  •  You have a TON of expertise, powerful wisdom, and practical guidance you’d love to share with a specific audience, and you’re excited to hone your messaging and find your voice…

  •  You’re tired of feeling stifled online and competing to be seen when you KNOW you’d be able to magnetize more opportunities by having actual conversations…

  • You have a huge vision for your business and you know being more visible is the path to stepping into thought leadership and creating the impact you desire…

  • You’ve tried podcast guesting before but felt overwhelmed by the process, unsure how to pitch yourself, where to find the right shows, or how to connect the dots to turn downloads into dollars for your business…

  • You’re exhausted keeping up with the algorithms and funneling tons of money into paid ads and you want to connect with 500, 5k, or even 50k new ideal clients regularly…

  •  You’re not seeing the return on all the other organic strategies you’re pouring your energy into, and you want a strategy that’s reliable and predictable

  • You’ve already got the offers, products, and services in place that light you up, now you just need more people to know about them!


Lovefrom our students

from our Students

Brittany W.

"This program is EXACTLY what I needed to kick off my podcast guesting strategy. There’s also a lot more in the program than I expected! The networking calls and the interview practices have been amazing, and I’ve already made some amazing professional connections through Hell Yes Guest! As always, Kelly has really over-delivered with this powerful program. Such a solid investment for anyone who wants to get into podcast guesting!"

Chrissy M.

"Hell Yes Guest is an absolute godsend! HOLY F*CKING SHIT. I have never been in a non-mastermind group container where I felt as personally seen and cared about like I do in HYG. The high level of feedback Kelly gives is worth far more than the entire program. The additional interview practice, accountability groups, the love in the group, the fun networking calls...I am in love with HYG and cannot exclaim Kelly's praises enough!"

Fabienne B.

"Kelly’s step by step program is a game changer. Honestly her strategy can be applied to devising a podcast tour and other marketing platforms as well. I made the absolute right decision joining this program. Kelly’s curriculum is so comprehensive that it’s a one stop shop. It gives you the insight you need, the support, and confidence to successfully break into the podcast interviewing space. It’s next level and you won’t regret the investment."

 Join our last high-support cohort offered at this pricing:


$1297 USD


  • Lifetime course access: NEW 8-part training curriculum to master positioning, pitching, interview delivery, and monetization
  • 8 weeks unlimited strategy support from Kelly starting mid-March: On-demand support directly from me and the Hell Yes Guest team 5 days/week so you're NEVER stuck. All questions are answered within 24 business hours
  • Expert 1:1 feedback: Receive thorough, personalized feedback from me and my team on your Podcast Tour Roadmap strategy (CTA, signature content, show selection, positioning) and Hell Yes Pitch
  • Guarantee: You'll book at least one top 10% podcast during our 8 weeks together, or we'll keep working with you until you do!
  • Bonus: Two live interview practice sessions
  • Bonus: Two live networking parties 
  • Bonus: 800+ podcast contact database 
  • No-interest Payment Plan Available: 5 monthly payments of $260

Submitting an application is not binding. If you're accepted, you can choose to decline your spot.

Our next cohort starts on March 11, 2024.


Thiswill be YOU!

will be YOU!

Millions of your ideal clients will find their new favorite expert listening to podcasts next year. The question is… will they find YOU?