What podcast hosts don't want you to know (and why this info is GOLD!)

I'll bet you didn't know 90% of podcasts don't make it past episode 10.

And something like 90% of the ones that DO survive those first 10 episodes give up within a year!

Talk about sad statistics, right?!

When a host quits their podcast, it's almost always due to a combo of the same four challenges.

Understanding what podcast hosts are struggling with right now is your ticket to endless interviews, visibility, and authority as a podcast guest.

Because whether they realize it or not, YOU are actually the knight in shining armor they're looking for. Having the RIGHT guests on their show is one of the best methods to build a sustainable show that grows and helps them reach their business goals.

Talk about a win-win!

Let's get into the four things almost all hosts are struggling with right now:

1. Their audience isn't growing.

Most people who start a podcast have the impression that it's a "build it and they will come" situation, which sadly couldn't be farther from the truth. Growing a podcast is just like growing an Instagram platform or growing an email list. It's hard work to build a community one by one! The mismatch between a podcaster's expectations and the audience growth they ACTUALLY see is one massive reason so many podcasters quit.

2. The show isn't making them money.

Another wild misconception: your podcast is going to be a money making machine. I'll start by saying that if you already have a massive audience and/or you're a celebrity or some other well known expert, your podcast likely will make you money pretty quickly. But even at THAT level, sponsorship money is not usually enough to pay the bills. On average, a podcaster can earn $18 per 1,000 people that listen to their podcast. This is NOT a lot of money, y'all. Even if you have 10,000 people who regularly listen to your podcast (which is MUCH more than most podcasts have), you're probably only making $180 in sponsorship money for that episode.

3. They run out of content

Take my word for it: committing to putting together an entire episode and editing and producing it every single week is a huge undertaking, and if you're struggling with challenges 1+2 mentioned above, it's going to feel EXTRA daunting (and not that worth it after a while). Podcasters succumb to "PODFADE" often because they just run out of things to say, and it doesn't make sense for them to keep going if they're not seeing ROI.

4. They're totally burnt out

It's hard to pour your time and energy into something that's growing your business and makes you really happy. It's damn near impossible to pour your time and energy into something that ISN'T growing your business or making you happy! Podcasters get tired of pouring their heart into something that's such a slow burn to grow, or they're tired of outsourcing things like editing. Most podcasters are running their podcast on top of all of their other business functions, so when burnout comes knocking and something has to give, this is often the first thing to go.

What does any of this have to do with YOU as a podcast guest?!

You, my friend, hold all the cards. When you position yourself as the SOLUTION to these four challenges, you become an irresistible guest to the right podcasts because you make their lives easier. You make their content creation fun again. You help them grow their audiences.

In our free Masterclass, Book 5 Top 10% Podcast Interviews in the Next 30 Days, we dive deep into how to do this. I don't want you throwing pitches into the wind. I want you connecting with shows that are grateful and excited to collaborate with you!

Ready to check out the Masterclass? Head to this page and get started. You can watch OR listen on the go!

Ready to start breaking up with social media?! I'd love to teach you how to book 5 guest spots on top 10% podcasts in the next 30 days so you can reach more new clients every month than you'll reach all YEAR on Instagram! Pssst... it's a totally free training packed with step-by-step strategies you can use right away.