The 7 types of entrepreneurs that will ROCK a guest podcast tour

A podcast tour isn't for everyone, but for these seven types of entrepreneurs, they're a total no brainer!

Even if you don't consider yourself a seasoned public speaker, there's absolutely no reason to stress about or avoid podcast guesting.

The beauty of doing podcast interviews? If you're following our strategies (pssst... that Masterclass is a must-watch, I'll link at the bottom of this blog post) then you should be getting interviewed about THE topic you love the most!

Take a look at the archetypes below and see which one(s) resonate the most for you. If you see yourself in any of these archetypes, rest assured that a podcast tour is going to do wonders for your visibility, your bottom line, and your confidence.

Here are the seven kinds of entrepreneurs destined for success with a podcast tour:

💎 THE HIDDEN GEM: This badass biz owner is a freaking expert, but they haven’t had the opportunities to be discovered! They’re itching to serve but can’t figure out HOW to get seen. They're tired of feeling like a "best kept secret" and know that they could just reach more of the right people, their business would finally pop.

✏️ THE NATURAL TEACHER: This person doesn’t just want to offer little bits and pieces of value, they want to launch into a university-quality lesson about the nuances of their expertise. They want to go deep with audiences who are dying to learn. They've got frameworks, processes, and methods they can share at the drop of a hat, and love to organize information so it's easy to understand and implement.

👄 THE STORYTELLER: If you’ve got a knack for sharing stories that inspire and motivate, and you love creating intimate conversations through storytelling and emotion, this is the platform for you. The most effective podcast interviews weave teaching and storytelling together, so if storytelling comes naturally for you, you'll be able to connect with and build trust with your listeners in a fraction of the time it takes on platforms where you're more pressed for time and space.

🤓 THE SOPHISTICATE: Your ideal clients are NOT sitting around watching TikToks all day! They’re high powered, high achieving peeps with a demanding lifestyle. They’re consuming content during their commute or workout, so you want to meet them there (because they sure ain’t sitting around all day watching reels!!) You understand that their vision for their lives involves LESS screen time, but they still want to learn and grow.

🧠 THE HEALTH CONNOISSEUR: You’re dedicated to helping people live a healthy lifestyle, which means you’ve got to walk the walk and set the example to limit screen time and social media use. Your clients are also setting limits to their screen exposure and are more likely to stroll and listen than scroll from the couch! The podcast platform isn't considered social media, and isn't associated with the negative health effects of tech and screen time. It's the perfect way to connect without the health risks.

💥 THE DISRUPTOR: You’re tired of fighting over digital breadcrumbs to be seen on social media. You envision a new paradigm of leadership that’s fully divested from follower counts, likes, and comments. You want to lead us by example and connect with people who feel the same way. To you, WHAT you have to say is so much more important than whether your feed is perfectly curated or whether you're following the social media rules. Rules are boring! Let's break them!

🔥 THE STRAIGHT SHOOTER: Listen, you’ve got no time to do your hair and makeup 7 times a week and prance around dancing and pointing at the air to entertain strangers. You’ve got a message you want the world to hear, and you’re not interested in created fluffy posts that are just going to end up in the content graveyard. You have something important to say and you want to cut right to the part where the right people get to hear it.

I'd love to hear which of these (or more than one!) feel the most like "you." Send me a DM on Instagram @kelly.mosser with your archetype and I'll tell you mine!

Ready to dive in and learn the method that makes podcast guesting reliable, scaleable, and profitable?! You've got to check out the Masterclass.

Ready to start breaking up with social media?! I'd love to teach you how to book 5 guest spots on top 10% podcasts in the next 30 days so you can reach more new clients every month than you'll reach all YEAR on Instagram! Pssst... it's a totally free training packed with step-by-step strategies you can use right away.