Podcast guesting 101: a guide for beginners

Let me guess...

You want to reach new audiences to get more eyeballs on your business but:

Social media is starting to feel like a major drag.

You're tired of creating endless short-form content that doesn't get seen and doesn't convert.

You don't have the funds to experiment with a complicated paid ads funnel.

But you know the world needs to know about your biz!

I've got you, biz bestie.

We're going to get you started with a Profitable Podcast Tour that gets you discovered by hundreds and thousands of brand new perfect-fit clients.

Here's a rundown of a beginner's guide to podcast guesting. For THE literal Masterclass on guesting, head here and get ready to go deep!

1. Treat podcast interviews like a tool, not a reward.

I know it's easy to tell yourself "but I don't have enough followers," or "I haven't worked with enough clients," or "I'm not far enough along yet!" But I assure you: even a brand new entrepreneur can have major success with a podcast tour IF you think of doing podcast interviews as a tool to create your success, NOT as a reward for what you've already done. If you think of getting more visibility as a reward for the cool things you've accomplished, you'll always find a reason to put off getting more visible. But if you treat visibility as a tool to CREATE the success you desire, you'll feel more comfortable showing up and diving in exactly as you are now.

2. Launch a strategic tour, rather than haphazardly guesting.

When most people set out to book themselves as a guest on a podcast, they take the wrong approach. They think: "I'm just happy to land a spot on any show, and I'll talk about whatever they want!" This is a recipe for disaster, because you'll end up on ALL different kinds of podcasts, speaking to all different kinds of people, sharing all different kinds of content. Instead of taking the "whoever, whatever, whenever" approach, I want you to be strategic. Set up a podcast tour that serves YOUR goals first and foremost, but that also deeply serves the audiences who will be hearing you, and the hosts that'll be interviewing you. For the full rundown on how to set up a strategic tour, dive into the free Masterclass. 

3. Don't pitch "yourself." 

Unless you're a household name, "you" and your credentials aren't the most compelling thing about you, unfortunately. What's the most compelling thing about you that's going to make you an irresistible choice as a podcast guest, even if you're BRAND new to your business? The most compelling thing you can pitch is a high quality conversation with a clear, potent, and tangible value-add to the audience. This is great news! It means you can stop worrying about whether or not you've got enough fancy credentials, enough followers, or enough money in the bank. You can start focusing instead on crafting one PERFECT conversation to pitch that's going to make hosts say "wow, we NEED to have this person on the show!" I'll teach you exactly how in the Masterclass.

Podcast guesting can be simple, profitable, and fun with the right strategy, and I can't wait to help you get started for free! Just tap the link and dive into the most valuable Masterclass you'll ever watch (or listen to!)

Ready to start breaking up with social media?! I'd love to teach you how to book 5 guest spots on top 10% podcasts in the next 30 days so you can reach more new clients every month than you'll reach all YEAR on Instagram! Pssst... it's a totally free training packed with step-by-step strategies you can use right away.