Permission to ditch bro marketing once and for all

I don't know about you, biz bestie, but when I started learning about digital marketing, I was absolutely horrified.

I joined a group program that told me to "twist the knife" into my prospects' pain points and do the old follow/unfollow B.S. to grow my Instagram.

The pushy tactics, the deceitful strategies, the cold pitching that feels gross...

WTF? Who wrote this playbook?!

And the most surprising thing about this experience was: this program was taught by a woman that I really admired, who I'd thought aligned with my values.

It made me realize that bro marketing culture is so sneaky and so pervasive that some really well intentioned people don't even realize they're doing it. 

If I had to distill down the difference between the marketing philosophies we work with here vs. the marketing philosophies that feel gross, it would be this:

Authentic, really good marketing is impossible in the presence of deceit, disempowerment, intentional shame, and fake urgency and/or scarcity.

And the way to know if you're engaging in yuck marketing? You FEEL yuck about it.

Even if it "works," there's usually a nagging pit in your stomach telling you something is off.

I've been there! Throughout my business journey, I've followed the guidance of a few people who were a little more comfortable with the bro tactics than I am, and let me tell you: sometimes the tactics "worked."

But they didn't FEEL right, so I ditched them as soon as I noticed that stomach pit.

Something I hear over and over from folks who work with us or take our free Masterclass: Book 5 Profitable Podcast Guest Interviews in the Next 30 Days, is this:

"This strategy actually FEELS GOOD!"

This to me is the ultimate sign that your marketing is in alignment.

The methods we use here at Hell Yes Media feel so good because they aren't stolen from some bro marketing playbook, and they're NOT cold, copy/paste pitch templates scraped from the internet.

The strategies we work with work so well because they're built on principles of genuine human-to-human connection:

1. Generosity

2. Reciprocity

3. Collaboration

If you're a business owner who doesn't just want to *SCALE FAST!!!!* but wants to leverage marketing strategies that align with your values as an honest human being, you're going to love hanging out with us, listening to the Aligned Success Show, watching our Masterclass, or working with us inside of Hell Yes Guest.


Marketing doesn't have to be a dirty word or a sleazy concept. We NEED to market ourselves to make sure people know we exist!

But there's a way to do it that feels wonderful, like a breath of fresh air. "Thank goodness I found this person / offer / product! It's EXACTLY what I've been looking for. It's going to save me from this endless headache I never thought I'd get rid of. It's going to save me so much time. It's going to help me achieve my biggest wildest dreams and goals."

There's someone out there that's desperate for what you have to offer, and the good news is: bro marketing is NOT the only way to reach those people.

I'd love to invite you to check in with your gut this week and ask: what am I doing that feels SO RIGHT, so yummy and delicious and liberating and fun?

Am I doing anything that makes my body contract? Anything that feels gross and forced and pushy?

It might be time to swap those out for something that feels like a dream.

If booking 10-15 top 10% podcast interviews without sending a single sleazy pitch, or magnetizing clients from a podcast interview WITHOUT hard selling them sounds like a dream, I'd love to invite you to watch our free Masterclass where I'll teach you how to book 5 interviews on top 10% podcasts in the next 30 days so you can do LESS marketing, and make sure it ALL feels good! 

Head to this page to get started!

Ready to start breaking up with social media?! I'd love to teach you how to book 5 guest spots on top 10% podcasts in the next 30 days so you can reach more new clients every month than you'll reach all YEAR on Instagram! Pssst... it's a totally free training packed with step-by-step strategies you can use right away.